The movie Gadoh is a story plotted in a school where there's a group of Chinese students always fighting with another group of Malay students with an Indian student stuck in between the war. It has been quite an issue brought up by the local newspaper, hence the principal and Teacher Ann decided to establish a club theater with the students involved in fighting compulsory to join. This is for the purpose that the students will learn how to live together and learn together. And it ends with all students became good friends.
I've always in my comfort zone and never realised i'm actually inside of it. Sabah, the place i was born is a great place. With people live together in harmony. Racism never once occur to me, until i was here. Exposed to the racist issues in Semenanjung Malaysia. Of course you seldom see people condemn each other with nicknames of "cina babi" or what but somehow i saw the divisions myself. And that's already the foundation for being racist. I feel the pain God felt when he saw his beloved children having prejudices with each other. And i know there's something He wants me to do for this nation. Maybe start with myself going out to influence my friends. I've been ignorant for a long time and God, i'm sorry for my ignorance. Lord, I'm thankful for the eye open opportunity you've brought me here, and the love i felt for your nation, for my nation. In Jesus name, Amen.