
10 March 2011

GG = Graduation Goodbyes

It’s closing to an end of my university life. I’m never good with goodbyes, it’s so painful that it felt like I’ve lost a part of me, being forcefully tear apart of. Remember the time where I decided to terminate my studies here and go back home for good, I cried, everyday, for the people I dear so much but yet have to leave without graduating together. But graduating together doesn’t cause any less pain. Not so much of regrets but the thought that we’ll not meet each other as often or probably never in our lives burns in my head. I’m happy that I was once here, had great years with awesome people I treasure lifetime. Those memories will keep me going on to the next phase of my life. Now, I just have to figure out how to say goodbyes without tears and sad faces =(


  1. I'm proud of you, for being strong initially, and endured the hardship in your uni life. I wouldn't understand exactly what you went througha and how you felt, but I know for sure you grew tougher and you experienced God's grace and mercy in a greater heights. God bless you.
    And congratulation for completing your degree in UKM.

  2. haha I definitely understand the goodbye feeling. Scenes that you, beat and dev will leave keep playing in mind haha and I gotta be more independent and stronger next year :( but hey! as long as we are breathing and living in this world, nothing can stop us from meeting each other. It's always the closeness at heart that brought us together, not the distance :) Cheers!
